I am a Professor of Management in the Graduate School of Management at the University of Auckland. I study people at work, and the organizations in which they work. I teach graduate students about human systems in organizations. I have been lucky to do this in several countries and in the process I have learned how similar students and organizations are around the world.

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My Research

I have an active research interest in the experience of individuals at work. Specifically, I study individuals in two contexts– those in new forms of work (for example, temporary or short-term contracts, working remotely, or any work arrangement that differs from prevalent norms), and those who work alongside others who are different from them (on any dimension of difference).


“In the coming years, we are likely to see an increase in nonstandard work arrangements, especially as new forms of organizations develop in the sharing economy, characterized by peer-to-peer collaboration in the creation and consumption of goods or services. Managers need to be aware of the impact of these arrangements on all workers, standard and nonstandard. Attention should especially be paid to the psychological effects of nonstandard work to ensure that the costs do not exceed the benefits.”

— Elizabeth George & prithviraj Chattopadhyay 2017 SHRM-SIOP Science of HR Series


My Teaching

I have been privilaged to teach Masters and Phd level courses in three areas: Organizational Behavior, Strategic Human Resource Management and Research Methods. I have also taught exectutive short courses on working in teams, dealing with differences, and managing change. I enjoy working alongside managers as they continue learning.